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Topics: solar,wind,sinn-power,ocean-hybrid-platform,wave,floating-pv,off-grid,floating-platform

Solar REITs: The Blazing Opportunity That Few See Coming

I believe that solar energy will enhance the returns of existing Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and also create a whole new class of REITs. The limited number of deals that we have seen so far is just the trickle before the floodgates open.

Nov 14, 2020 by Dane Bowler via SeekingAlpha
Green Industry Blogs
EDP is a partner in the first European robot center in offshore wind farms
The European Atlantis center will be in Viana do Castelo and involves an investment of 8.5 million euros. It is coordinated by INESC TEC, and has EDP (NEW - Center For New Energy Technologies) as its main partner.
Jan 16, 2020 by edp.com
World News
A Ridiculously Huge New Solar Farm Just Came Online in China

The Chinese economy has suffered as a result of the pandemic, but one sector that's forging full-steam ahead is energy. Last week saw the opening of a massive new solar farm -the second-largest in the world-in the northwest province of Qinghai.

Oct 10, 2020 by Vanessa Bates Ramirez
World News
Wave, wind and PV: The innovative floating Ocean Hybrid Platform

The goal is to internationalise Sinn Power's ocean hybrid platform as a complete off-grid energy solution to provide people near coasts worldwide with renewable energy. Sinn Power has been developing and building innovative wave energy systems since 2015.

May 26, 2020 by PV Europe
Green Industry Blogs
Crops under solar panels can be a win-win

Solar panels might seem like they're in direct competition with plants. One is catching sunlight to do photosynthesis, the other wants to take it to push electrons. Surely Highlander rules apply, and there can be only one on a plot of land, right? In reality, it's not a zero-sum game.

Sep 06, 2019 by Scott K. Johnson via ArsTechnica
Green Industry Blogs

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